Friday 5 March 2010

R - It's LOVE

RAIN - It's so pretty and nice and when it's all finished everything feels cleaner. Sometimes a big rain storm is just what you need to wash all your problems away. I love the smell of it and the feel on your skin but the best thing to do when its raining is to get a rain date :) Find someone and go out into the rain and dance and get completely soaked and just lose it! Trust me you'll feel so good afterwards and it's oodles of fun. Or if you don't like getting wet just get an umbrella and go out for a walk, or snuggle up on the couch with a big blanket and watch your favourite movie :)

NAIL POLISH - Painting my nails is becoming one of my favourite things to do. I can't even remember the last time my nails werent coloured. Baby Pink, Blue, peach andblack are my favourites. So i'd just like to put it out there that painting your nails black is not emo. Black nails and a cute dress are a fabulous combo and not emo in the slightest.

FRANKIE MAGAZINE - What more can I say, honestly it's fabbity fab with knobs on!

TARTAN - Awesomity filled, Marvellous, Stupendous and rather Swell


  1. Okay, so you made some very fine points there. I LOVE tartan aussi, and black nail polish so isnt emo, and rain is fabbity fab with knobs on... but what is with you and leisey suddenly raving on about frankie, when, honey, i've been reading it for yonks! Slow much? It is vair good though, aint it?

  2. Look just because we're a bit slow doesnt give you the right to tease us!!!
    Haha Finetti confetti keeps saying that to me but she says just cause you're on the SRC doesnt give you the right to..........
    She does it for EVERYTHING!!
